Monday, February 22, 2010

Constant sickness.

I haven't been updating recently because I have just been so sick ALL the time (which I guess is good). All I want to do when I am at home is sleep and all I want to do when I am at work is go home. By the time my work day is over I can hardly keep my eyes open to drive home (and this is during an evening shift which I used to love and wasn't so bad at all). And when I get home my whole body hurts.

This week I have 5 days off in a row so hopefully it will give me a chance to rest. I go back to work Thursday for night shift and I know that is going to be just horrible! I can not wait until the sickness wears off and I can actually enjoy being pregnant.

Next Tuesday we get to see our little one again and see the little heartbeat!!! I can not wait! It will be all worth it then!

I bought a couple baby things over the weekend, a little onesie that says "Mom thinks I rock" and a sweat suit that says "I'm bananas over mom". I also bought two little froggie toys!  I can't wait till we finish the addition so we can start working on the nursery!!! I know that wont be for a while thought :(

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First ultrasound in the middle of a BLIZZARD!

So today was my first ultrasound. I was really worried we wouldn't make it there bc the weather was so bad. This is the second severe snow storm in less than a week! The first one dumped about 35 inches on us, and this one has already put an additional 6+ inches and still counting. I woke up to my phone rining, it was my OB office wondering if I would still be in bc they had many cancellations. I told them we were going to try, and they asked to move it up to 11:30 because they were going to close early. So me and Andrew bundled up and drove in to the OB 45+ minutes in a BLIZZARD and it was worth it!

The appointment didnt even last 30 minutes, but we did get to see the gestational sac and yolk sac. Was unable to see the baby and they could not give me a due date yet but they are approximating me to be around 5 weeks anyways and that is completely normal for a 5 week ultrasound. She said in 4 days to a week we would be able to see the heartbeat, but I will have to wait 3 weeks for that. I have my next ultrasound scheduled for March 2 when I will approximately 8 weeks to see the lil beans heartbeat, and my first real new OB patient appointment....which they warned it will be LONG! But I am excited and everything is looking good!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I am really ecstatic about adding an addition to our family, but at the same time it seems to good to be true. I'm afraid I will wake up from this dream and everything will go away. Having a family was the only thing that I've always known that I wanted to do. Ever since I was like 5 there were many things that I wanted to be when I grew up, and it changed from a teacher, to a phsychologist, to a respiratory therapists, and still to this day I question if I am really doing what I want to do....but the one thing that never changed...I always wanted to be a mother and have a family. And it looks like it is finally happening. Andrew feels the exact same way. I'm couldn't be more happy with my life than I am at this time. I have a roof over my head, a dependable job, a man that loves me, and know in 9 or so months I am going to have a real family.

I've been thinking about that alot, but other than that, I have been so nausiated. From the time I wake up off and on all day until I go to bed. I have had no other symptoms other than this morning sickness, which strikes morning noon and night!!!!! Hopefully it doesn't get much worse, but I don't mind it sticking around just so I know that my little one is growing strong in there!!! :)

Andrew and I do not know when we should tell everybody. Angel, my sister already knows, just because I couldn't go through all this without telling HER, and I'm pretty sure my mom is wondering but other than that nobody knows. I would like to wait until the first trimester is over, but that wont be till the end of March!!!!! So maybe after we see the heartbeat on the ultrasound we will start telling everybody. I think I will make magnets that say "Save the Date for Baby Frantz' birth in October" and then have the ultrasound picture on it...and give them to family members. I don't think I am going to tell anybody at work for a while yet, they don't have to know lol...and really there's only 1 or 2 people there that I would really be excited to tell.

Monday, February 8, 2010

More blood work!

I got my fourth HCG done today and I looked it up at work and it was 4571!!!! Still going strong and it had a 175% increase in 48 hours which is perfect!

I really hope my appointment goes well on Wednesday. I know I am probably not far enough along for them to see anything on the ultrasound just yet, but just really hope they are able to see that everything is just how it should be! It would really be awesome if they could see the heartbeat. I've read on the internet that some people have seen the heartbeat at around 6 weeks on the type of ultrasound I am getting. I think I will proably only be about 5 weeks 3 days, but I could be further along, or not as far along as that too...I just dont know. I guess we will find out tomorrow. Andrew is going to go with me and just stay a little later at work then!

Approximately 5 weeks belly pic!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Confirmation appointment.

So Andrew and I went to the "confirmation appointment". Which amounted to pretty much nothing since the pregnancy was already confirmed from my blood work a few days ago. I met with the nurse practitioner and she talked to us about everything and assured us that even with our history and how soon we became pregnant that we should not have anything to worry about. We were really happy to hear that.

She ordered me more blood work to get done.

So I went and got the blood work done, and she called me back with the results and my HCG was 619!! They TRIPLED in 48 hours and are looking really good. She

So she told me to get my blood work done again next week and scheduled another appointment and ultrasound for next week too just to be sure that everything is going smoothly and to maybe see how far along I really am because they do not have a way right now to confirm exactly how far along I am.

Looks like everything is moving right along how it should be.

FIRST belly picture...approximately 4 weeks a couple days???

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


My OB called today with my results and my HCG levels on Saturday were 62.11 and on Monday they were 146.66!!!! So it is NOW official, I already knew in my heart but Andrew and I just had to hear it from a P-R-O-fessional. :) We have an appointment schedualed for Thursday so I guess we will learn more then!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm not sure what is going on.

So I don't know what is going I called my doctor and set up to get blood work done tomorrow and then again on Monday. Then I guess we will see what is really going on. I'm not getting my hopes up for many reasons, but I just have gut feeling that there may be a new lil' Frantz on the way. FINGERS CROSSED! :)